Life Size Dinosaurs
These pieces were really fun (and hard work) to research and make , being done for the most part for museums and corporations. It seems everyone of all ages loves dinosaurs, me being no exception.

In 1990 , I participated in the the making of a 40 ft. long T- Rex for the Tyrell Museum of Paleontology , Drumhellar , AB. ( made for the interpretive center in Milk River , AB. ). I was a member of a 3 sculptor team and we completed the piece in 7 months , using steel , fiberglass , epoxy resin , etc. to create this ( 6.5 m high x 13.5 m long x 3.5 m wide ) life sized dinosaur .

In 1990 , I participated in the the making of a 40 ft. long T- Rex for the Tyrell Museum of Paleontology , Drumhellar , AB. ( made for the interpretive center in Milk River , AB. ). I was a member of a 3 sculptor team and we completed the piece in 7 months , using steel , fiberglass , epoxy resin , etc. to create this ( 6.5 m high x 13.5 m long x 3.5 m wide ) life sized dinosaur .

In 1990 , I participated in the the making of a 40 ft. long T- Rex for the Tyrell Museum of Paleontology , Drumhellar , AB. ( made for the interpretive center in Milk River , AB. ). I was a member of a 3 sculptor team and we completed the piece in 7 months , using steel , fiberglass , epoxy resin , etc. to create this ( 6.5 m high x 13.5 m long x 3.5 m wide ) life sized dinosaur .