These works reflect the clients needs , many times I am given full discretion to interpret their requests in a multitude of materials, other times working more closely with the client to attain the desired results.
This is a photo of the sculpted clay original of the koho salmon ( 4 ft. sq.) panel from which a mold was taken so that a copy in cast bronze could be made . Each panel took me 8 days to model. See the finished model by clicking here.
In 1987 I was commissioned by a woman whose father started the Hand Hills Stampede outside of Hanna , AB. in 1907 , making it the oldest rodeo still operating in Canada.. The work I did included two panels which are displayed , one atop the other , in Hanna . The top panel (of walnut ) I hand carved a high relief of a bucking horse and cowboy . I carved two paragraphs of writing into the bottom panel of maple commemorating the people who founded the stampede
In 1987 I was again commissioned to do a carved wood piece for the Hand Hills Stampede outside Hanna, AB. . This was to be a 3-dimensioal representation of the bucking horse and rider with dust cloud . I hand carved a bock of mahogany that was 82 cm tall and 40 cm sq. at the base and completed it in 750 hours .
I was commissioned in 1997 again by the Caldwell -Cooley Sculpture and Design Studio to sculpt in clay , a corporate power badge , for Smed International Inc. , Calgary AB. . There was a mold taken of the clay original so that multiple cast bronze copies could be made , for all Smed's Showrooms around the world . The panel was 120 cm high x 155 cm wide x 18 cm thick which has raised longitude and latitude bars on a reliefed earth globe with encircling banner and took me 500 hrs to complete the clay original .
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