I was commissioned by a Gunsmith to design historically relevant stylistic embellishments and carve them into a replica Flint-lock Rifle of circa 1760's vintage .
The flint-lock was one of the first rifle types and craftsmen of that time in the Counties of the original 13 States of the later U.S.A. carved self-designed embellishments on their rifles to set them apart from other gunsmiths work in a time when an aesthetic consideration was given to everyday things . Some of these designs were similar to what was being done on furniture of the time but others were endemic to fire-arms embellishment and the practice lasted for a couple of decades , eventually falling out of style since it became impractical as mass productions' madates were applied to all manufacturing.
I was tasked with researching the varied styles of different craftsmen in that era and coming up with my own designs that could fit in with the designs of the historical firearms so that the replica was complete . Not only a functioning Flint-lock rifle but also with similar embellishments as the historical rifles it is a replica of before firearms design evolved to use percussion caps , then bullets with bolt and lever actions . The Gunsmiths' Client was going to use the flint-lock black powder replica rifle to hunt Wild Boar in Eastern Europe .
Nowadays , rifles and shotguns , except for engraving on the action , look alike and I thought of making my Nephew's Christmas gift of a shotgun from his Parents , very personal and unique . I told him I would carve his name and our coat of arms on one side and asked him what Animal he would want on the other side . He choose a Ruffed Grouse which you can see in the photo below , which shows both sides of the stock .
In the photo I say that I can be commissioned to do similar work on anyones hunting rifle or shotgun , making their firearms unique and personal . It would make an excellent Christmas or Birthday Gift .
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